Garden Design Services
"My approach to the garden design typically involves 6 key stages. I can work with you on all of them or just some of them, depending on your circumstances and requirements"

Stage 1:
Meeting the client on site is fundamental to understanding their aspirations for the space. During the visit we can talk through ideas and then I will assess whether a topographical survey will be required or whether I can take the necessary measurements in the garden myself. My visit usually involves studying the feeling of the place, making sketches and notes regarding light/shade and environmental conditions within the garden.
Stage 2:
The conceptual masterplan is created along with visual impressions and an initial planting palette by studying both the site and its interaction with the surrounding landscape as a whole. I translate this into a coherent narrative for space by understanding the clients’ functional requirements and personal preferences.

"I can tailor my approach to suit each project and each every client's specific requirements. No task is too big or too small."